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The last time since I update my blog... hmmm four months ago.
Today, Friday. The blackest Friday I've ever been through.
Your friends. Those who smile to you, talk to you, helped you up, ended up being a backstabber.
People judge. And I'm not going to judge anyone btw.
This isn't the first time I felt betray by someone.
At this age, I don't really know who will be my true friends/best friends.
Or maybe it doesn't matter anymore.
Maybe I just haven't meet someone better.
My high school life, sucks.



Lately, I been I been losing sleep.
Nah, this is just one of the lyric from Counting Star. This song didn't catch my attraction at first. But after listen to this few time later, I found out that this song is nice!

15/3, the day that covered by black clouds. Why I said so? Bcs, when your only best friend chose someone she hates the most instead of you, then you'll know the reasons. Shouldn't be just the black cloud but also the thunderstorms. I didn't blame on anyone, I just felt disappointed. I never had this kind of feeling before. Really, really heart breaking. And at last I told myself, everything that you have right now is no longer yours. Appreciate before it's gone. 



another new year and here's my first post in 2014 :) 2013 has the happiest moment and the saddest one. we just need to get over it, because this is life.

after reading Naomi Neo's blog post, I felt like I learned a lesson. we all always take depression a big deal. but the other way we told to live ourself in our life, not for anyone else. Otherwise, if we don't live for someone, we'll feel like there's meaningless. so like what she said, live for the one who worth the pain. meanwhile, I'm now feeling a lil confuse 'bout we should live our life or live for someone else and stand for the pain or some other reasons? idk, I've been seeking a way to live life better for 17 years and I still couldn't find out the answer. I think when we grow older we'll realise many things, so take it easy and let it be. we can't read our future and fate, but maybe a tiny decision can make everything different. Let's continue finding the best way for living our life :)


March :)

It had been ages since my last post. So, it's March holidays now. Even it's last for one week :) The past three months were the most suffer life ever. Endless homework, tuition and stuffs. I didn't think of I'll have this kind of life. And the March test, I really done with it. I didn't score well, I'm sorry to my parents and to those who putting high hopes on me. I told myself I must score during the mid term exam! But can I? I do really need someone who can give me some unlimited motivation, unlimited happiness, unlimited love.

It's okay, my life isn't that sad and hopeless. I'm still believe that everything will be fine even it may be not.

Last but not least, I feel so lucky and glad that I met you :) you're such a perfect person for me even though you think you aren't :) I do appreciate every moments that I be with you.

Last day of the year *31.12.2012*
每年的12月都有31号 (废话 -.-) 可是每年的今天都有不同的感想. 今年, 我是过得最充实的一年. PMR的关系, 每天忙着补习, 11.30pm才回家. 说真的, 一点都不累, 反而很喜欢 :D 不是我有问题, 就是心理上说服自己喜欢补习 XD 也许是离家比较远? 哈哈

年头, 对PMR还没有什么感觉, 毕竟才年头 :P 可是, 看着日历一页一页的撕下, 心里就开始摇摆不定. 说真的, form 1 form 2的时候都不是很明白老师教什么. 也许是不习惯吧.. 回想起前两年, 真是难过. 不成熟的自己, 再见. 哦! 不对, 是永远不再见! 

到了年中, 补习也越来越强调PMR -.- 不过, 我们很steady的 ;) 对自己很有信心的 哈哈 tuition addicted (Y) 7/8月开始就有很多seminar. 补习老师也有啦 :P 今年我真的是破纪录, 我竟然能够让自己坐在没得靠背的椅子上8个钟头 (当然不是我一个人啦) 其实这都不算什么, 重要的是努力后的成果 :) 

我努力后的成果就是6科A, 2科B. 是我所要的成绩, 可是心里还是有点不满意 -.- 算了, 能达到自己的目标就好了, 毕竟我也尽力了 :) 这种成绩, 当然要向父母要求点东西吗, 不然努力后的空虚感, 怎样填满它? :P 当然, 电话是我的首要礼物, 我很希望他们会心服口服的买给我. 毕竟, 他们从来就没有亲自掏腰包买电话给我 -.- 不过一开始, 看他们的脸色根本就不想买给我, 为什么? 我也懒的去追究. 还好有姨丈, 答应我会送我东西 :) 还是他最好! 做他女儿一定很爽, 刚好他没有女儿, 哈哈 可是礼物要等到明年的CNY, 没关系 我等 :P

PMR过后的假期, 2个月半听起来很爽. 是很爽, 刚开始很爽, 可是过了一个月, 就每天呆在家里发霉 -.- 这次的假期, 还想要读点书, 充实自己. 但是懒惰, 懒惰还是懒惰. 可以时光倒流吗? 我错过太多事了. 

我很想和一大班朋友, 背着自己的背包, 到处旅行. 
我很想去玩些刺激的, 高空弹跳之类的.
我也很想参加一场马拉松, 任何一种.
但是, 算了吧. 我在发白日梦, 妈妈不会让我实现它们的. 大人的借口, 往往毁了我的梦想.
没关系, 等我长大些, 我会完成它们的 :)
只是怕我没那机会? 明天会发生什么是, who know? 
也许明天就是你我的尽头? 珍惜当下吧, 实在点 :)
说的很好听, 但是自己还不是在浪费时间 -.-
悲哀啊... 心有余而力不足!!!

怎么越写越伤心 -.- 别想了, stay positive stay happy :D
现在错过的, 有机会的时候会把握的! 

Don't count the days. Make the days count.

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